Friday 2 September 2011

Assigning Task

Muhammad Faiezwan Shah Bin Shamsudin
  • Facilities 
  • Flash Banner
Hanif Farhan Bin Mohd Hashim
  • Home 
  • About Us
  • Design the website (button, layout)
Hazwani Aimi Bt. Mohd Hisham
  • Logo
  • Health and Beauty
Emy Farhana Bt. Mohd Razak
  • GUI Design
  • Entertainment 

We have divided our task accordingly
  • Muhammad Faiezwan Shah is responsible to find information about Facilities provide by Sunway Pyramid and create a Flash banner.
  • Hanif Farhan is responsible to design the website, create the button, create the layout and find information about Sunway Pyramid to put in Home page and About Us page.
  • Hazwani Aimi is responsible to create a logo to put in website and find information about Health and beauty that offers by Sunway Pyramid.
  • Emy Farhana is responsible to draft website chart, GUI design and find information about Leisure and Entertainment that Sunway Pyramid serve for visitor

    1 comment:

    1. Where are the individual pages, individual GUI & flowchart, use of tools, content and reference. Since no progress since beginning, not much to mark and so your grades for this assignment will be reflect the lack of work done.
